The "Master" List

The MASTER list at Birth Family Finder is helping individuals from all sides of the adoption triad find their birth families. Please read through the instructions as they explain what it is and how to use it. The bigger the list is, the greater the chance of families being brought together. Click Here.

*Disclaimer* I am not responsible for the results of this page. It is a "help," not a guarantee. I will never use your information for anything without your permission. Please, PLEASE, use common sense, and BE CAREFUL as well.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


It's been a while since we've posted, I know. I apologize profusely for this. I offer the following excuse: I gave birth a month ago, and the last few months of my pregnancy were horrible health wise, full of pregnancy problems. Not to mention my beloved community has been devastated by massive floods. We were lucky not to get hit because we live up on a huge hill but so many friends and loved ones have had their houses and possessions swept away or otherwise damaged.

I wont go into major details about the flooding, but needless to say, it was absolutely horrible. The entire town of High River, Alberta was pretty much under water, downtown of Calgary Alberta was shut down, train tracks were pretzel-ed due to the massive force of the water currents, it was just horrifying. So, prayers for the families there would be appreciated.

However, there has not been a day that has passed that I haven't wondered if someone here - or on our facebook page, or on the many sites we "like" and "follow" - has found their birth family. I've had a few reports from other sites celebrating finding their birth family, and I celebrate each one. My heart is absolutely full when I see those stories.

That's what I love about the adoption community, no matter what side of it you're on -- we celebrate each other's successes, and mourn with those in mourning. We are together, we don't compete against each other's sites/pages/organizations. We rally together to bring each other together, to support each other and to promote awareness of the beautiful thing adoption truly is!

So, as for an "update"...

We now have 204 people on the "master list"! Has it ever grown! I'm so proud of it, and hope it keeps growing so we may help even just one person! It will all be worth it in the end if it even helps one person find their birth family! Lets keep rallying together!

Efforts are continually being made to find a better way of finding matches and making the list more user friendly. I have yet to find a database that "I like" that can match the way I want it to one day. Unfortunately, the way I want it to be requires a lot of man-hours and a computer literacy that I simply do not possess (and I'm pretty computer literate). If anyone out there knows of a database or program that may fit out style, please feel free to make a comment and point me in that direction!

Please also know that contact information that is given onto the list is NEVER used by us for any purpose other than to report a match. Please don't ever give out personal emails, addresses, passwords, etc to anyone you don't know. If you are "meeting" with a potential match, please do so in a safe way, in a public place with trusted accompaniment. And be smart about things. Ask questions only the "match" would know to verify the match.

We love you all and hope you all are having a great summer! We love comments and love making connections with other sites and people! Send us some love!

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